Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile


Corporate Profile

21 companies
590 direct jobs
9 Brasilian states

Alagoas, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraná, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, Roraima, Santa Catarina, and São Paulo

We operate in the sanitation, energy, and toll roads sectors, investing in the sustainable expansion of the infrastructure of essential services in Brazil.

Initially focused on the sanitation segments, Conasa Infrastructure now also operates in the management of public lighting and toll roads services, especially through specific purpose companies, in concessions and long-term PPPs. In order to integrate the specifics of each segment, we created four large areas that manage our operating units.

Conasa Sanitation

Águas de Itapema | Sanesalto | Águas de Santo Antônio | Águas de Meriti | Sanema | FEC

Expanding access to basic sanitation in Brazil is essential and even more urgent given the current scenario. We are aware of this need and investing responsibly and contributing to the achievement of the national goal, that is, universalization of the Water and Sewage System.

Conasa Services


Industrial sanitation plays the role of preventing the contamination of the soil, surface waters, groundwater, and air, thus preserving natural resources now and for future generations, the treatment of industrial effluents, and it also has an economic impact aspect. The complexity and high cost of investment in the treatment process leads many companies to look for outsourcing the service.

Conasa Energy

Urbeluz | Caraguá Luz | Alegrete Participações | Mauá Luz | Teresina Luz | Luz de Belém

The speed of urbanization in today’s world requires innovative solutions that represent new opportunities for public management. Energy efficiency of public lighting complexes and public buildings is an energy saving mechanism that we adopt in our operating units, providing effective reduction in costs for society.

Conasa Toll Roads

Via Brasil
MT-100 | MT-320 | MT-246

With Conasa Toll Roads, we are increasingly present and active in the modernization of the fourth largest road network in the world. The integration of another stretch into the portfolio of toll roads managed by the Via Brasil Consortium in 2020 will consolidate Conasa’s experience and participation in the Brazilian road system, where 61% of the volume of cargo transported in the country currently travels, according to data from the Confederação Nacional do Transporte – CNT (National Transport Confederation)¹.

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